Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today is a special day! It is Tayva's Birthday! Marty's mother is an amazing woman inside and out! If I am as Christ-like as she is and look 1/2 as good in my fifties I will consider myself a Queen. She has more talents than one person should be allowed. When ever I have a questions about anything I call her and she knows... every time! Tayva and I have become particularly close during the last year. She and I share the same Neurologist- Dr. Watkins! I think she is his favorite patient and I might be a far-behind second. We commiserate together when we feel like crap and when we are sick of taking all of our medications!!!!!!!! She is an example to me of being your best self. She is always reading, studying gospel stories, learning new skills and only knows how to finish a project 110%. I've learned that when we make a craft I shouldn't feel bad that my project looks like a 10 year-old did it and that hers looks like the professional display model!

She and Brian have a wonderful marriage that is an example to all of us. This is their engage-
ment picture. They are hot stuff! Don't ya think?

I truly love her and hope she has a wonderful and



Jewels said...

Great tribute, Jess! And thanks again for hosting the par-tay, it was simply marvy!!

jill said...

Happy Birthday Tavya! I LOVE the pictures!