Friday, February 20, 2009

House of Order

On Wednesday night we had a seriously fun surprise party for the Tayv, Tayv. We had it at our home and gathered for the surprise and dessert. We had Chocolate Cake, Snickerdoodles, and a three layered Carrot Cake. (I slaved all day... running to pick up all the desserts, that is!) Tayva was very surprised and we had fun eating and talking. Marty and I gave her a "mummy" for her Halloween festivities. I went with my friend and 1st counselor in the Primary, Megan, to Ikea for some primary errands. She bought one of these "mummies"/ man lamp, for Halloween because she also loves the spooky spooks, so I decided to get Tayva one as well. It needs a bit of work, but she will make it come to life in only 6 months! Yipee!

Also on Wednesday we walked through the new Draper Temple with the youth in our ward. I was so impressed with the beauty and quality of the Temple. The church is amazing. They always do everything first
class. This made me think about my home.

Our homes are suppose to be a kind of Temple, right? A haven from the world. A place where the spirit can reside. Well, as I sit in streamers and balloons I wouldn't consider my home a temple right now. Our temple visit made me think about a "House of Order is a House of God" from the scriptures. I want a house of order and I want a house of God. I'm going to get my house back in order today and when I'm finished I'm sure it will feel great.


Tayva said...

First, thank you THANK YOU for such a beautiful tribute to me on my birthday. I am overwhelmed. And the surprise party was so wonderful---it really worked! I was so surprised! So, second: there I was, sitting with the people I love best in all the world and thinking about how lucky and blessed and happy I am. AND, that I want to do better before the next birthday! And as I read your new blog tonight, I just wanted to tell you that the night I spent with everyone in your home on my birthday was. . . like the the spirit of the Temple. Streamers and all. I love you, dear Jess, with all my heart.

Jewels said...

Amen to that! Your home always feels so warm, Jess. It is always so inviting and special. I LOVE being at your home. I think your goal is a good one and I certainly want to take it on, myself! Your home is what you make it, right? Hmm, I feel a post coming on...

I love you so very much and just today I was thinking about how grateful I am that you are healthy and happy. I just adore. Now I must sign off before I get misty...