Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Just watching Dancing with the Stars a while back!

Marty is a pretty amazing man in many areas; especially his fatherly duties with Graham. They have such a strong bond and adore each other. When Graham was born and I was so sick, Marty would just hold Graham on his chest day and night! He still loves to cuddle him and hold him close. They love to play and I'm so grateful we moved to Salt Lake so Marty can spend more time with Graham! I know Graham and Marty love it too!

Happy Father's Day babe!

Graham and I love you!


Tayva said...

What a tender and beautiful picture of them watching the tv. Thanks for posting this! XO

Jewels said...

I agree - that pic of them in front of the TV is priceless! Blow it up, frame it, win a contest with it. Eppy Faddah's Deh!