Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Good Egg

My little man caught on with the egg hunting pretty quickly. He was satisfied with only one egg and the candy inside. It was me that was encouraging him on for all the other eggs. What does that say about me? I'm competitive? I'm greedy? I like candy?

I think it is the latter.

We went on several hunts throughout the week. I dressed Graham in his cute pink-check shirt and within minutes he had wiped a chocolate- caramel egg all down the front. It wasn't how I had imagined the new shirt would be used. But I'm still learning. He is my first child.


Suzy said...

He is Delicious! I hope he feels better soon!

McGuire's said...

Your california trip looked so fun. Great pictures. I need to learn how to do all these cool things people are doing. My camera is always set on one setting. I'll have to have you teach me how to branch out! Graham Is Delicious!!!

Meg said...

Jess, you really are so dang cute! As is Graham...I hope to come to Provo soon too see you guys...