Tuesday, April 14, 2009

California Getaway

After three weeks of being very busy I decided (well actually Marty decided) that I should go to California for a week. My sister Megan went to Hawaii with her husband and two kids. Suzy, my other sister, was in California taking care of Megan's little girl Ava. So Graham and I have joined her for the week. Did that make sense?

I'm going to do a catch up post. Because some how days turned to weeks and we are half way through April!

These are photos from our Fondant Class with Chef Jaxon. She is the Chef that Marty and I took the Sushi class with a few weeks ago. Andrea was in town and of course that means... Play, Play, Play!

Randy (Richard's Fiance) , her mother, Tayva, Andrea and I went together.

We learned a lot and came away with a beautiful cake that I used for a friends baby shower!

The Final Cake!

1 comment:

sumthinghappened said...

Now THAT'S an amazing cake!