Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to my Dad and happy 1/2 Birthday to Graham. We celebrated my Dad's birthday last night by going to dinner with our "small" family because most everyone lives outside Utah. But it was still fun. He is an amazing man and I love him very much. This picture of him is great because it shows what a good mood he is always in. So optimistic and energetic (sometime we joke he has ADD because he gets more things done that 5 regular men!)
I can't really believe Graham is 6th months old... it has gone really fast, but incredibly slow! I'm so glad that I've had him to make me smile! He is such a joy and a blessing! I love him! (He looks a little scared in this pic...)
Hey Jess!
I am so happy to hear that you are feeling a little better!(your mom gave me a quick update the other day.) You look so great and your baby is so so cute!
XOXO, Megan (Riskas)
Aw, I love your Dad. Little Graham does look a wee bit startled, he is still the cutest thing ever!!
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