Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Signs of the Season

We finally hung this frame on the wall! This little beauty has been a neglected project of mine for months. With the help of Andrea, my illustrator teacher and sister in law, we designed this poster for my kitchen. The quote came from my mother in law, Tayva, who got it from Shakespeare. It all came together so nicely and printed so cheaply and just sat. It sat for a long time until I decided to make it our Family Home Evening lesson (which by the way we have now done 4 weeks in a row! Wahoo!) So Marty and Graham got a hammer and nail and the frame was up in minutes! I'm really happy with how it turned out! And how apropo, just in time for the grand feast where we will do, "nothing but sit and sit, and eat and eat!"

Graham has had the stomach flu (total nightmare!) so I've been praying all week that I wouldn't get it so I could enjoy Thanksgiving. Tayva's turkey is so, so, so good and it has been on my mind for months. Call me crazy, but so many things make me so nauseated, that the thought of the turkey can help me get through the day!

So let's just pray that the flu doesn't hit in the middle of the night tonight, because I think I would cry! No, I know I would cry.
I hope you have a nice holiday with family and friends.
Many happy eats!


Nicole Christensen said...

I just found your blog, im only half a foot into the blog world, but WOW you and your family are darling and your home is beautiful! it was fun to go back a few pages and see what you have been up to. you look so wonderful, it was good to see you, via your blog.

ഞാന്‍ കാദര്‍ ...... said...

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