Thursday, November 4, 2010


Here is my little three year old baby. I know he isn't a baby anymore, especially with another baby on the way, but he melts my heart just the same. We have been having so much home time together the last few months that I am just cherishing. He is so full of love and happiness. Every time I am sick and need to run to the bathroom he follows close behind. He puts his hand on my shoulder and follows the escapade with something that makes me smile. For example, "Good job Mom! You did it!" or "I help you Mom!" or "You okay Mom?... Yes I'm okay... Okay, let's play!" or my favorite "I help you Mom. Let me flush."

I just love Graham and Marty so much. And I'm excited to love another baby soon. I was recently reminded of something a great woman said about love. My dear friend Jane Ann lost her husband last week after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. It was very hard and very painful. When I went to the viewing on Friday night and hugged her I remembered something that has crossed my mind at different times over the last few years. To start can I say, Jane Ann is full of love. One Sunday several years ago she bore a heartfelt testimony about love. She is the mother to many boys and the grandmother to even more grandchildren. She talked about the beauty of love. She said these profound words.
Love doesn't divide. Love multiplies.

With all the people in this world I love, Jane Ann included, I am so grateful that my love for them doesn't need to divide. It can multiply exponentially if necessary.

So here is to you! My family, friends and good people everywhere;
I love you!


Meg said...

Love you too, Jess! Thanks for being such a bright spot in my life.

McCall said...

Jess, you are such a doll! And Graham is quite the heart-throbber. :)

(Meg's sister)

Natalie said...

I'm crying. You are blessed to have Marty and Graham. And I am dying inside for Jane Ann...I had no idea. I need to call you but it's late there. Thinking of you. xo

Tayva said...

Love, love, love you and both your brown-eyed boys. Jane is right. XO

Karen said...

Love you Jess! Jane Ann is right, I remember that testimony and have quoted her too. I worried (and felt guilty) during my second pregnancy that I wouldn't love baby #2 as much as baby #1, how could I? Jane Ann is right.

Annie said...

Oh, I want partake of this love! I love you!

Chelsea Anne said...

loves to you. we need to bond.

Anonymous said...
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Lindsay said...

Love this post!!!! So touching!and your little guy is ADORABLE! That picture melts my heart!

hayleyrowan said...

this is a really sweet message. graham is so adorable. you're house photos look great too. you've done an amazing job.

natalie todd said...

Jess love you too girl! When I first read "Jane" I thought of our Jane from BYU and my heart sank, but still so sad to hear about your other friend Jane. What a sweet post. Don't you love have those moments when you realize the most important things in life. Too bad it sometimes takes trials and sad things to remind us but how blessed we are indeed. Do I get to see you at Missy's wedding??

Please bless!