I'm sitting on my bed while Graham is asleep and Marty is on some errands. Here I sit. Not wanting to face all the packing that must be done and not really knowing where to start today. Tomorrow is the Primary Program for our ward and I have been busy with those details this week. But without having to explain too much I want to post a few fun pictures from the summer as to not forget what a great summer it was!
This is a picture of Marty and the little fish that kept biting his nipple at Lake Powell! We had a wonderful trip to Lake Powell this year and to explain how relaxed I was... I only took this one picture! Thanks Patches for a great vacation! And thanks to Mom, Trina and Karen for watching Graham for a week! You are truly the best!
This is a photo of Graham on the front of our Bro-in-law's, Cody, new Fire Engine!
Next, Jill and her kids spent August visiting Utah from Delaware! We loved seeing them, swimming with them and just plain being with them! Can't wait until Christmas! This is Anna, Graham, Mckay and Elle eating a little chips and salsa poolside!
Fun times! I am still trying to find that salsa verde. I am going to have to request the grocery store carry it.
Can't blame a little fish for trying to nurse--it's just natural instinct
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