1. Breakfast in Bed (via my brother Brett and nephew McKay!) It was delicious and so special! I want everyone to note the morning hair! Can anyone beat it? Jill laughed when she saw me and then showed me a picture of a Persian Cat that had my EXACT hair!
2.Church: Brett and Jill's ward was an event that could not be missed!
3. Two hour train ride from Philly to NYC.
4. Drop off Luggage at beautiful hotel.
5. Walk through NYC to Wicked.
6. Love Wicked!
7. Walk to delicious restaurant for Anniversary/ Mother's Day Feast!
8. Change heels for tennis shoes (wow!)
9. Visit Nicole and Spencer in their lovely apartment. Talk about their upcoming Twins.... which are now here! Congrats you guys! They are so beautiful and I'm seriously disappointed that I wasn't there for the delivery! I had high hopes in would be the same week!
10. Take the Subway back to our hotel at Midnight, eat a hot dog in Time Square (well I just kept eating Marty's) and then crash in Bed. It was a whirlwind of fun!