With my sister-in-law Andrea's help we were able to transform our old grandma looking Mom into a more modern mom I've been trying to upload the original, but blogger isn't allowing it. So go to this link if you want to see her original curling iron hair-do and shawl. Old Mom!
To the left is our new Mom with her blond flip and the many hats she wears.
Here is the Poem we discussed. I thought it was cute and quite true! With Mother's Day coming up- May 10, 2009- you could thank your mother for all the hats she wore and still wears.
My mother’s job is sometimes hard, and I have heard her say,
“The hours are long, and if I could, I’d like to change the pay.”
Her profession has variety, and I will tell you now
About the many hats she wears—and why and when and how.
1. My mommy’s a nurse who fixes and patches
All of my hurts and my sores and my scratches.
2. My mother’s a chef who fixes each dinner
Fit for a king—a blue-ribbon winner!
3. My mom’s a chauffeur who drives pretty slow
But gets me to places where I need to go.
4. My mom’s a detective, and no one is greater
At getting the truth from me sooner or later.
5. My mommy’s a gardener and works really hard,
Planting and weeding and grooming our yard.
6. My mother’s a maid—at least that’s what she said—
‘Cause she cleans up the house and makes every bed.
Who teaches the gospel with tears in her eyes.
Today take these hats off, and please wear no other.
Let me do your work, to show I LOVE YOU, MOTHER!
I like my new calling in Primary. It is fun to be able to do little projects like this and teach the children the importance of the main threads of the Gospel. I never was very good at drawing, but coloring in between the lines... I can do!