Thursday, June 26, 2008


To start, I realize I'm looking for something very specific, but I know a lot of you have some great resources for kiddie items. So here it goes... I'm looking for a large foam (or some other light-weight material) letter "g" for above Graham's crib. I would love it to be a big swooping lower case letter in a bright color; either green, orange, yellow, blue, etc. If you know of some web sites to search or have seen the above described letter please send the info my way. Thanks for your help!


Chelsea Anne said...

I haven't seen anything foam, but you could get a sheet of foam from a craft store and cut a g out

{lizzythebotanist} said...

good idea chelsea, or maybe try having the letter made out of vinyl? i know a lady...
she's done a few things for me.

cute new layout. and graham is SO FREAKING CUTE, i can't stand it. he has the greatest little smile!

Our EyreLife said...

There are darling, light weight, upper and lowercase cardboard-ish letters at Michaels Crafts and Roberts Crafts that are pretty big (I'd say 8-12 inches high). You could easily paint them...just an idea.

hayleyrowan said...

i'll keep my eye out. love the ad. you two are celebs!

shannon said...

they have light weight letters at craft stores and then you can modge podge them any color you or design you want!
good luck!