After trying to convince Marty of the benefits of a fake pre-lite tree, he still prevailed! One of my reasons was that it is less likely to catch fire. In our little household this is a serious concern after last year when Marty decided to put 3400 lights on 1/2 of the tree. (He takes serious pride in how well a tree is lite.) He did less on the back and we stuck it in a corner. His family (well I should say his dear mother Tayva) is know for their tree lights. She used to wire the lights to their christmas tree!) This year Marty has decided to try icicles lights because you can get more lights without the weight. See below... the heat and the weight of last year's 3400 lights fried our Christmas tree. So to the above tree... we hope this is a better year!
(Marty taking off the lights... notice the sticks as tree limbs!)