Saturday, February 6, 2010

Primary Post

In my old ward I was 2nd counselor in the Primary and after moving to my new ward I have the same exact calling, 2nd counselor in the Primary! It is great fun, but lots of work. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at times, but having fun doing projects, spotlights, primary CDs, birthday gifts and Sharing Times. This is my month, 4 weeks in a row, of Sharing Times. I just finished putting everything together for tomorrow, but I'm sitting here asking myself, "Why did you wait until Saturday night to do this?!" Do any of you wait until the last minute to finish off something you've know about for a month?! Probably not, but I can hope!

This is my vow that I will not finish next week's Sharing Time at 9pm on Saturday night.

p.s. Marty has been waiting for me to finish so we can watch a movie and he has happened about the old Disney musical, The Slipper and the Rose, on Youtube. He is over there laughing and saying, "Come look at what they are making these old guys do!" So funny!


Jon Lefrandt said...

Hey Jessie, I just want you to know that I LOVE you new house. I think you have done an amazing job and I love the black walls. I haven't looked at your blog in forever, but I'm so glad I did. Just wanted to tell you how cute I think everything is. I hope everything is going well. xoxo
Ashley Anderson Lefrandt :)

Lindsey said...

Yes, I wait until the last day. :)

I LOVED that calling and would like to go back to it right about now, since currently I am YW pres. Wanna trade???